Tuesday, March 01, 2011

5 MiNuTeS pOsT

Right, 5 minutes to randomly write you guys
I'll try an update from November the 3rd post
The spelling might be awful... lol
Need a drink first :-P
mmmm Baileys for a cold morning ;-)

My bday;
Gr8 trip with my best friends
Was awesome
They took me for a ride and we spent a long weekend around the coast and coutryside
Gingers, lol loads of them heheheh
I even thought of moving from london to stalk them hahahha

Didn't take long until xmas come
Misunderstandings with friends
Xmas and New years eve we spent apart
But I had a Gr8 Xmas anyway
And New Years Eve was really good too

Some hurt feelings and tough words
But all good after a while

2011 seemed much better than 2010
Hell yeah
January was a month to get things back on track
Work, house, family, friends...
All good
Still the same old issues
But another perspective from me
So i'm good

The loneliness gave me a break, or I just got used to it
No lovers, on the opposite I decided this year wouldn't be for that
Poor me, didn't know what was to come ahhahaha

Another misunderstanding between friends...
Drama... drama...
Funny though, I'm the Brazilian so I should be the one leading the dramas
But no
More tough words,
And the line is crossed

Drinks nearly everyday
O gosh, January was an really alcoholic month, and december...
Hahahah most of the others too

In february, the 3rd to be more precise
I met my guy :-)
Lovely, sweet, caring... got a huge list to share but my time is running
Since then I can't think of anything else
Unexpectedly happy
Surprisingly in love
Lost in lo
Time's up.

I'll come back later, xXx

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